Oh my kannamma..
What to say
After the storm of the night
To be with you…
This heart longs….
Do you need to ask me?
To hold your hands
Don’t you know that
These empty arms await your warmth?
Your intelligence and emotions
When mixed makes me out
I’m not able to keep my poetry on track
Or within the boundaries of utmost possibility…
Your life and path
Are just far away from mine..
This poor poet just lives
With tides of silly desires and
Huge waves of mistakes..
He doesn’t need grace of the almighty
Or the ecstasy of enlightenment..
Even the last dew drop or
The dying sun takes him to
Wherever he wants to go…
No huge expectations or
Striving in life..
This journey of mine is
Just moving with the wind..
And letting go..
My sins and nobility
My achievements and adulteries
My poems and persuasions
My pretensions and pragmatism
And whatever just
Don’t mean anything to me..
I’m just a travelling monk who
Never travels towards spirituality….
This moment, only this moment
Is what I know and what I live
I’m extremely delighted that
The fairy now understands that
All her life is to be in my shadow…
And she wants my hands to hold hers
In miseries and abysses
..and she doesn’t know that her stupid questions
Are just from me..and
She is not the origin of them…
And the answers, just are there in her..
But they seem to originate from me..
This illusion might confuse her..
And she thinks its me
Who is her only distraction now…
I’m happy about it…hehe
And this girl speaks
Of leaving her,,,
Can she assure me that she would not
Leave me?
But, I have already assured that
Her living is bound to happen
Only in my palms..
Without knowing this
She sleeps every night in the lap of
The mother of my poems…
Will you travel with me?
She asks me this question..
Never realizing that
The path is laid on me..
The fencing is me..
And the vehicle is me
..and the moving fuel is me..
All these are not just words..
But source of her peace and happiness..
Simply for the joy of it..
To walk along…
Should I write about this?
Oh my kannamma…
This name of yours
How divine it is you know?
Just for the name
I’ll leave the earth and mix
With the horizon less spirits..
Such divinity on earth
Can be carried only
By beings that are made
Of purity of thought and love..
That’s how you got this name..
And you know what
kannamma has to long for Krishna
All through the life
And finally
She goes into the idol of Krishna
And never comes back..
There lies her enlightenment..
So no more confusions..
Till your physical burden dissolves
Into the ever existing godliness,
This charioteer will be happily riding
Your chariot….
In the journey he may even fall off
And leave you and your chariot in the middle of the war..
Never fear
You will be home..
And without the charioteer
My presence shall take you home….
My presence shall take you home….
And you will happily nod your head
And the final drop
From your eyes
Will fall on me ..
And I’ll resurrect for sure…..
The final three words
Of this poem…
You can fill ..
……. ………… ……….
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